Graduate students affiliated with The Institute for Sustainable Energy come from a number of departments at the University of Toronto.
General information about applying for Graduate Studies at the University of Toronto can be found on the School of Graduate Studies website, Additional information about Graduate Studies:
Graduate courses maybe subject to change. For up-to-date information, please consult the sponsoring departmental sites for current offerings
Civil Engineering – courses (CIV)
Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry – courses (CHE)
Electrical & Computer Engineering – courses (ECE)
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering – courses (MIE)
Materials Science & Engineering – courses (fall) courses (winter) (MSE)
Institute for Aerospace Studies – courses (AER)
Courses outside of Engineering
Geography and Planning – courses (GGR)
Graduate-level courses of note:
- AER 0507: Introduction to Fusion Energy
- AER 0510: Aerospace Propulsion
- AER 1301: Kinetic Theory of Gases
- AER 1304: Fundamentals of Combustion
- AER 1306: Special Topics in Reacting Flows
- AER 1320: Air-Breathing Propulsion
- AER 1706: Fusion Reactor Systems
- AER 1716: Fusion Reactor Materials
- CHE 1118: Industrial Catalysis
- CHE 1141: Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering
- CHE 1142: Applied Chemical Thermodynamics
- CHE 1143: Transport Phenomena
- CHE 1213: Corrosion
- CHE 1541: Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer
- CHE 2504: Industrial Pollution Prevention
- CHE 553: Electrochemistry
- CHE 568: Nuclear Engineering
- CHE 1149: Electrolyte Thermodynamics
- CHM 1401: Transport and Fate of Chemical Species in the Environment
- CHM 1458: Topics in Reaction Kinetics I
- CHM 1464: Topics in Statistical Mechanics
- CHM 1479: Thermodynamics
- CIV 1307: Evaluating the Sustainability of Engineering Activities
- ECE 1049: Special Topics in Power Devices and Systems
- ECE 1041: Numerical Solution of Field Problems
- ECE 1042: High-Voltage Engineering
- ECE 1055: Dynamics of HVdc/ac Transmission Systems
- ECE 1059: Special Topics in Power Systems: Overvoltages and Insulation Co-ordination
- ECE 1063: Application of Power Devices
- ECE 1065: Space Vector Theory & Control
- ECE 1066: Design of High-Frequency Switch-Mode Power Supplies I (Advanced Control Techniques)
- ECE 1067: Switch-Mode Power Supplies (SMPS)
- ECE 1068: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
- ECE 1072: AC Drive System Dynamics
- ECE 1081: Application of the Finite Element Method to Field Problems
- ECE 1082: Mathematics for Advanced Electromagnetics
- ECE 1083: Harmonic Balance and the Finite Element Method
- ECE 1089: Special Topics in Electromagnetics: Practical Application of Finite Element Method
- ECE 533: Power Electronics
- ECE 1057: Static Power Converters I—Principles of Operation and Applications
- ECE 1057: Static Power Converters I—Principles of Operation and Applications
- ECE 1058: Static Power Converters II—Dynamics and Control
- ECE 1084: Design of Advanced High-Efficiency Switched Mode Power Supplies
- ECE 1084: Design of Advanced High-Efficiency Switched Mode Power Supplies
- ECE 1085: Power System Optimization
- ECE 510: Introduction to Lighting Systems
- GLG 1436: Paleoecological Assessment of Climate Change
- GGR 1404: Issues in global warming
- GGR 1406: Energy supply and use
- GGR 1407: Efficient Use of Energy
- GGR 1408: Carbon-Free Energy
- MIE 1120: Current Energy Infrastructure and Resources
- MIE 1101: Thermodynamics II
- MIE 1128: Materials for Clean Energy Technology
- MIE 1107: Statistical Thermodynamics
- MIE 1123: Fundamentals of Combustion
- MIE 515: Alternative Energy Systems
- MIE 516H: Combustion and Fuels
- MIE 517H: Fuel Cell Systems
- MMS 1023: Special Topics in Materials Science II: Electron Transport in Quantum Nanostructures
- MSE 558: Nanotechnology in Alternate Energy Systems
- MSE 561: Engineered Ceramics
- MSE 504: Extractive Metallurgy