Undergraduate Education

Energy Systems Major

The Energy Systems Option meets the need for more professionals with expertise in this field in Ontario, Canada and around the world. Energy is central to almost everything in nature, in society and indeed in the universe. Our whole economy is developed around the concept of affordable energy. Students learn to tackle some of the most pressing problems we face today in terms of energy generation, storage, and management, while gaining an understanding of energy issues from a public policy perspective.

Division of Engineering Science:


Sustainable Energy Minor

The Undergraduate Sustainable Energy Minor is open to Engineering students interested in learning more about energy, its sustainable use, energy demand management, and the public policy context in which energy use and production is regulated. Our definition of sustainable energy is broad, reaching to all areas of energy use, production, distribution, transmission, storage, and development. This includes energy use and production for transportation, for space cooling and heating demands, and electrical production (from both alternative and conventional sources), energy distribution and storage, and extends to energy conservation, price, greenhouse gas production and control, and aspects of public policy.

See course list at the minor web page.

Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering: 
