CHE 1118 Industrial Catalysis
The course covers adsorption, the nature of the catalyst surface, kinetics of catalytic reactions, catalyst selection and preparation, deactivation and poisoning, and specific catalytic reactions. The types of reactions and the examples considered will depend to some extent on the particular interests of those selecting the course but will include, in any case, nitrogen fixation, Cl chemistry, catalysis in petroleum refining (cracking, reforming, alkylation, hydrorefining, etc.), and catalysis by transition metal complexes.
CHE 1141 Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering
This second-level course in reactor design and analysis focuses upon the following topics: multiphase kinetics and catalysis; simultaneous diffusion and reaction, including an analysis using effectiveness factors and Thiele modulus; analysis of models of complex flow and mixing in reactors; reactor modelling; reactor performance and stability of operation for simple and complex kinetic schemes; design considerations for heterogeneous reactors; industrial and research applications of chemical reactors.
CHE 1142 Applied Chemical Thermodynamics
This course has the objective of reviewing the basic concepts of thermodynamics with specific applications to processes involving phase equilibrium or equilibrium in chemical reactions. The course is divided in three parts. In the first part we will review the laws of thermodynamics, and the thermodynamic properties and phase behavior of pure substances. In the second part we will review the thermodynamic properties in mixtures and multiphase equilibria in non-reactive systems. In the last part of the course we will review the energy balance and equilibrium in chemical reactions. The evaluation will consist of a midterm at the end of the review section, and a final exam that will evaluate the last two parts of the course. This course also involves a term project where the student uses some of these concepts in a specific example related to his/her thesis project.
CHE 1143 Transport Phenomena
Momentum, heat and mass transfer. General balances: continuity, species continuity, energy, and linear momentum equations. Rate expressions: Newton´s law of viscosity, Fourier´s law of conduction, and Fick´s law of diffusion. Applications to multi-dimensional problems, convective transport, transport in turbulent flow, interphase transport, boundary layer theory. Discussion of transport analogies.
CHE 1213 Corrosion
The following topics amongst others, are treated: the various types and forms of corrosion, electrochemical theories of corrosion, corrosion testing methods, corrosion behaviour of iron, steel, and other common engineering metals, corrosion of steel and aluminum in reinforced concrete, passivity, atmospheric corrosion, underground corrosion, seawater corrosion, effects of stress, corrosion in the chemical process industries, the use of Pourbaix diagrams and methods of corrosion protection and control (selection of materials, coatings, corrosion inhibitors, cathodic protection, anodic protection). A number of problems (with worked solutions) are provided to clarify the concepts.
CHE 1541 Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer
This course covers the following topics: introduction to two-phase flow, basic definitions, flow regime, void fraction and pressure drop, homogeneous and two-fluid modelling, pool and flow boiling heat transfer, critical heat flux, rewetting and post dryout heat transfer, countercurrent flow limitation and some selected problems encountered in various industries.
CHE 2504 Industrial Pollution Prevention
A brief review of treatment technologies for air, surface and ground water, soils and solid wastes, and an account of more advanced technologies. Description of methods of analysing and monitoring contaminants and assessing their dispersal in local environments. Compliance with environmental regulations. Selected examples of “pollution prevention”; approaches to process change to avoid environmental problems.
CHE 553 Electrochemistry
This course has been designed to provide the student with a working knowledge of the subject area. The topics dealt with include, among others, the physical chemistry of electrolyte solutions, ion transport in solution, ionic conductivity, electrode equilibrium, reference electrodes, electrode kinetics, heat effects in cells, electrochemical energy conversion (fuel cells and secondary batteries), and industrial electrochemical processes. Numerous problems (with worked solutions) are provided to clarify the concepts.
CHE 568 Nuclear Engineering
Fundamental and applied aspects of nuclear engineering. The structure of the nucleus; nuclear stability and radioactive decay; the interaction of radiation with matter including radiological health hazards; the interaction of neutrons including cross-sections, flux, moderation, fission, neutron diffusion and criticality. Poison buildup and their effects on criticality. Nuclear engineering of reactors, reactor accidents, and safety issues.
CHE1149 Electrolyte Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics of electrolyte solutions including ionic equilibrium, activity models, complexation, speciation, and solubility. Computer-aided modelling of complex multicomponent electrolyte systems. Construction of speciation, solubility, and electrochemical stability diagrams in both dilute and concentrated solutions. Methods of extrapolation to elevated temperatures. Applications to inorganic processing, environmental, nuclear, pulp and paper, bioprocess engineering. Students engage in computational projects relating to their Thesis projects.