MIE 1120 Current Energy Infrastructure and Resources
This course covers the basic principles of where and how global energy is currently supplied, by primary source. The aim is to provide an energy literacy that can inform research, technology development and effective policy in this area. The course content will be divided strictly according to the current global energy mix (i.e. 34% oil, 29% coal, 23% gas, 7% hydro, 5% Nuclear, 2% Other). In each case background reading and critical analyses will be applied to: (a) the characteristics of the resource; (b) the infrastructure for extraction/development of the resource; (c) the usage of the resulting energy; and (d) the implications for usage. Assignments and exams will assess both background knowledge and the ability to apply fluid flow, thermodynamic and heat transfer analyses to energy supply systems.
MIE 1101 Thermodynamics II
A course in which the postulatory approach is used to develop the theory of thermodynamics. The postulates are stated in terms of a variational principle that allows them to be applied to systems subjected to fields, to phase transitions, and to systems in which surface effects are dominant. The thermodynamic stability of systems is examined and examples of stable, metastable and unstable systems are discussed.
MIE 1128 Materials for Clean Energy Technology
The primary emphasis of the course is materials properties relevant for some clean energy conversion technologies. More specifically, some materials such as inorganic solids and semi-conductors that play key roles in clean electricity production technologies such as fuel cells, gas turbines, and solar cells will be the primary focus, with their ionic and electronic conduction mechanisms and their relevance being the major part of the technical content of the course. That information will be combined with some overview-level information of a few different technologies on a broad level.
MIE1107 Statistical Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics is reviewed. Quantum mechanics is introduced and used to define the possible microscopic states of macroscopic systems. For macroscopic systems in thermodynamic equilibrium, the concept of ensemble averages is introduced and the postulates of statistical mechanics are used to calculate their thermodynamic properties from knowledge of their molecular nature. Entropy is interpreted in terms of quantum mechanical concepts. The thermal properties of solids, of gases adsorbed on solid surfaces, of electrons in solids, of radiation, and of ideal gases are studied.
MIE1123 Fundamentals of Combustion
This course will deal with the basic theory of combustion in the steady state, with consideration of theories of flame propagation, flame stabilization, limits of inflammability, ignition, quenching, etc., and discussion will include both laminar and premixed flames, diffusion flames, flames and detonation.
MIE515 Alternative Energy Systems
This courses covers the basic principles and design of selected alternative energy systems. Systems discussed include solar thermal systems, solar photovoltaic, wind technology, fuel cells, and energy storage.
MIE516H Combustion and Fuels
Introduction to combustion theory. Chemical equilibrium and the products of combustion. Combustion kinetics and types of combustion. Pollutant formation. Design of combustion systems for gaseous, liquid and solid fuels. The use of alternative fuels (hydrogen, biofuels, etc.) and their effect on combustion systems.
MIE517H Fuel Cell Systems
Thermodynamics and electrochemistry of fuel cell operation and testing; understanding of polarization curves and impedance spectroscopy; common fuel cell types, materials, components, and auxiliary systems; high and low temperature fuel cells and their applications in transportation and stationary paower generation, including co-generation and combined heat and power systems; engineering system requirements resulting from basic fuel cell properties and characteristics.